Living in this day and age is not easy, unless we have the wisdom in living.
Contemporary wisdom is exclusive—even to the extent of wishing others fail so
that one may succeed in life. In addition, it states that one must do this or
do that in order to succeed and live well. Ancient wisdom, on the other hand,
focuses on doing whatever one has to do but with a sense of true freedom—the
recognition and realization of the wisdom in the oneness of all life.
Wisdom in the oneness of all life is based on one of the basic laws of Nature: that is, we are all
inter-connected, just as the famous poet John Donne says: "No man is an
island." .This universal moral principle leads us to true and lasting
freedom and wisdom in living. Once we understand that the life flowing in our veins is the
same as that flowing in the veins of others, we will learn how to show love and
compassion towards others. After all, we are all created in the image of God,
and we are no more than expressions of God.
For more information on wisdom in living, read my book: The Book of Life and Living.
Stephen Lau
Copyright©2018 by Stephen Lau
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