Your “prayers not answered” means your “expectations not fulfilled.” The TAO wisdom explains why: your attachments to careers, money, relationships, and success “make” but also “break” you by creating your flawed ego-self that demands your “expectations to be fulfilled.”

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Get My Book for FREE! Don't Miss the Opportunity!

Get this book for FREE between 9/27 (today) and 9/30 (Sunday): 

The TAO of Living for Life

This book is about the art of living well, which is being in the material world we are all living in, but without being of this mundane world. This daunting and challenging task requires profound human wisdom, which comes from TAO wisdom, the ancient wisdom from Lao Tzu, the ancient sage from China, more than 2,600 years ago.

Lao Tzu was the author of the immortal classic Tao Te Ching, made up of 81 short chapters of Chinese poetry on human wisdom, one of the most translated books in world literature.

This book explains the essentials of TAO wisdom, based on Stephen Lau's own translation and interpretation of Lao Tzu's immortal classic Tao Te Ching with his comments after each of the 81 chapters. Living for life is the wisdom of living in this contemporary age. It is not easy, so you need TAO wisdom.

For more information, click here.

The TAO of Living for Life shows you the wisdom of living not just for yourself, but also for others as well --  just as the famous English poet John Donne says: "No man is an island."  Once you perceive this intricate inter-connection between people, you will self-intuit the wisdom of Lao Tzu.  After all, according to Lao Tzu, there is no word or blueprint for human wisdom -- it is all about self-intuition.

Stephen Lau

Monday, September 24, 2018

Tao Wisdom and Daily Stress

Stress plays havoc not only with your body but also your mind. Stress can impair your mind power.

How do you unwittingly create stress in your daily life? 

According to Zen living (an ancient concept of living based on the profound wisdom of Lao Tzu, the ancient Chinese sage, who authored the world immortal classic Tao Te Ching), life is never a problem, and Zen lifestyle is never meant to be stressful. Unfortunately, it is your mind that has created the problem in the first place, and hence the stress.

Logically, a problem requires a solution. Your thinking mind presents to you a number of options to solve the problem you have created for yourself. Your rational mind then begins to analyze and choose the possible options; and stress is thus created in the process of analyzing and choosing. In Zen, the rational mind is not a friend, but quite often an enemy, of Zen health. 

Your stress is further reinforced if you made the wrong choice: you become ridden with guilt and regret over your choice.

Zen living or the Way of Tao (the wisdom of Lao Tzu) is simple: Do not make life into a problem, and there will be no problem. Do not look backward. Do not look forward. Just being in the present completely and fully. 

Yes, Zen focuses on the present moment — not the past, and surely not the future. Your unconsciously project your past experiences into the future, which can be either positive or negative. If they are negative, it may create worry and stress -- not good for the mind.  If they are positive, they may generate expectation that involves picking and choosing -- not beneficial for the mind. 

Alas, we are living in a goal-setting world in mad pursuit of fame, fortune and success. The Way or Tao wisdom, on the other hand, accomplishes things without exerting undue efforts.

Lin Yutang, the great contemporary Chinese writer-philosopher, aptly epitomizes the paradox of the wisdom "accomplishing things without much doing" in his famous quotation: "A wise man is never busy, and a busy man is never wise."

Essentially, Tao or the wisdom of Lao Tzu means do, but don't over-do. Live in the present, and neither worrying about the future nor ruminating over the past. In other words, you focus only on the process, not the result, of doing things. It is tantamount to the Christian concept of “doing your best, and letting God do the rest!”; or what Jesus said in the Lord's prayer "Give us this day our daily bread." God does not promise you a tomorrow, and man proposes but God disposes. Just do what you must do at this very present moment, and do not be anxious of the outcome. Concentrate on the "doing", and not the expectations of the result. This is the Way of Tao wisdom! 

The problem with most of us is that we permit our rational mind to be in control. We desperately want to get things done our way, and in doing so have created undue stress in our lives. Remember, the rational mind is more of an enemy than a friend. 

To understand the ancient wisdom of Tao or Lao Tzu, read the following books:

This book is about stress relief not through conventional relaxation,  such as meditation and yoga, but through understanding the ancient wisdom from China that recommends letting go the ego-self for stress relief.

Use the ancient Tao wisdom to live a stress-free life. Remember, you are living in a compulsive world of speed, and your mind is preconditioned to be compulsive. Learn how to quiet you mind.

This book contains the 81 chapters of the translated text of the ancient Chinese classic on human wisdom, written by the Chinese sage Lao Tzu. It also explains in plain English the essentials of Tao wisdom, which is the wisdom of TAO TE CHING.

The original text of Tao Te Ching in Chinese is difficult to understand, not to mention to translate it into another language, because the text without any punctuation mark was intended to be controversial and open to multiple interpretations. It should be noted that more than 2,600 years ago Lao Tzu was reluctant to put down his wisdom in words; as a matter of fact, he was specifically told by the guard at the city gate that he could not leave China for Tibet unless he put down his words of wisdom.

Stephen Lau

Copyright© by Stephen Lau

Thursday, September 20, 2018

True Human Wisdom

TAO () is about the thinking mind. It is the wisdom of Lao Tzu, the ancient sage from China, who was the author of the immortal classic Tao Te Ching.

We are human, and it is human nature to follow and cling to human wisdom as a beacon of light to show us the way as we continue our life journey. Tao or the Way is a means to an end, but not an end itself. That is to say, we follow Tao to some destination, but Tao is neither a destination nor the destination. Attaining human wisdom is a continual process; there is no destination.

Tao may be the Way between human wisdom and divine wisdom. It helps us understand the true nature of man and his role in the world of creation, and thus connects us directly or indirectly to the Creator.

One of the essentials of Tao is awareness, which is consciousness of thinking.

Awareness is the presence of mind that enables us to wait with patience for the revelation of God’s wisdom, which does not happen immediately, especially when our minds are still compulsive and muddled.

“we wait for our muddled thoughts to settle,
our composed minds to become clear just like muddy water,
until enlightenment arises, followed by eternal salvation.”
(Lao Tzu, Chapter 15, Tao Te Ching)

With awakened awareness, we may perceive the ultimate truth in Biblical wisdom that leads to human salvation.

Lao Tzu emphasizes the need for awareness as we continue to process the profound wisdom that is slowly and gradually revealed to us. Without that acute awareness, there may not be any understanding. Therefore, we must be:

“watchful, like a man crossing a winter stream;
alert, like a man aware of danger;
courteous, like a visiting guest;
yielding, like ice about to melt;
simple, like a piece of uncarved wood;
hollow, like a cave
opaque, like muddy water.”
(Lao Tzu, Chapter 15, Tao Te Ching)

With Tao wisdom, we may not only seek more but also understand better Biblical wisdom.

TAO: The Way to Biblical Wisdom

The author's own translation of "Tao Te Ching" is based on his belief that Lao Tzu's masterpiece is about the Creator of the universe, and that with true human wisdom man sees not only the manifestations but also the mysteries of His creation.

The book is about true human wisdom without the "conditioned" thinking of contemporary wisdom. Without the "reverse" mindset of Lao Tzu, man may have difficulties in understanding the wisdom of God expressed in the Bible.
The book is divided into four parts.

Part One is about the author’s reasons for writing the book, and also why "Tao Te Ching" is a "must read" for anyone who seeks real human wisdom.

Part Two is the author’s own translation of the 81 chapters of "Tao Te Ching" with respect to the Bible; each chapter is followed by some selected Bible verses for further reflection on what Lao Tzu has said.

Part Three is about the essentials of Tao wisdom with detailed explanation in plain English and with everyday life examples to help the reader understand the profound wisdom of Lao Tzu.

Part Four is an explanation of how Tao wisdom may help the reader understand God's wisdom in the Bible. Tao is the Way to Biblical wisdom.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

Thursday, September 13, 2018

My Newly Published Book on HUMAN WISDOM

The TAO of Living for Life

This book is about the art of living well, which is being in the material world we are all living in, but without being of this mundane world. This daunting and challenging task requires profound human wisdom, which comes from TAO wisdom, the ancient wisdom from Lao Tzu, the ancient sage from China, more than 2,600 years ago.

Lao Tzu was the author of the immortal classic Tao Te Ching, made up of 81 short chapters of Chinese poetry on human wisdom, one of the most translated books in world literature.

This book explains the essentials of TAO wisdom, based on Stephen Lau's own translation and interpretation of Lao Tzu's immortal classic Tao Te Ching with his comments after each of the 81 chapters. Living for life is the wisdom of living in this contemporary age. It is not easy, so you need TAO wisdom.

For more information, click here.

The TAO of Living for Life shows you the wisdom of living not just for yourself, but also for others as well --  just as the famous English poet John Donne says: "No man is an island."  Once you perceive this intricate inter-connection between people, you will self-intuit the wisdom of Lao Tzu.  After all, according to Lao Tzu, there is no word or blueprint for human wisdom -- it is all about self-intuition.

Stephen Lau