Your “prayers not answered” means your “expectations not fulfilled.” The TAO wisdom explains why: your attachments to careers, money, relationships, and success “make” but also “break” you by creating your flawed ego-self that demands your “expectations to be fulfilled.”

Monday, September 11, 2017

Wisdom in Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing often begins as a sacred journey of living that involves change, growth, and self-discovery. Spiritual healing is spiritual living such that you live your life to the fullest to attain all-round wellness in the body, the mind, and the spirit. Spiritual healing brings about spiritual health that provides an optimum environment for that sacred life journey towards attaining a healthy spirit for natural self-healing of the body and the mind. 

A human being consists of body, mind, and soul or spirit. Self-healing begins with the mind first, and then the body. But the soul is the essence of being. 

Your mind consists of the subconscious mind (the deep mind) and the conscious mind (the superficial mind. Your body is made up of all the systems, organs, and cells. Your spirit or soul controls both your body and mind, for it is the essence of your being.

To illustrate, if your soul tells you one thing, but your subconscious mind tells you another, and your conscious mind generally follows the direction of the subconscious mind, then there will be disharmony between mind and soul. Remember, your conscious mind connects with your subconscious mind and your soul. Only when there is complete agreement among the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the soul, then there will be balance and harmony--the essence of self-healing. Yes, you have free will: your conscious mind can freely choose whatever it prefers. But the soul is your whole being: it controls everything.

Healthy Spirit for Self-Healing

A healthy spirit is food for the soul. According to Cicero, the celebrated Roman orator, 
"Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body." Therefore, food for the soul is as important as food for the body, and it includes the following:

•  positive morals of mindfulness for compassion, hope, and love of self and others

•  positive values of faith, forgiveness, and integrity

Spiritual living contributes to a healthy spirit for spiritual healing, and hence self-healing of the mind and the body. But the first obstacle to spiritual living is too much focus on self and attachment.

Self and Attachment

According to the Bible, "Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth." (Luke 12:15)

According to Buddha, too much focus on self often leads to attachment, which comes in the form of craving--wanting things one does not have-- and ignorance--craving without knowing the futility of the wanting. Attachment to material things is the source of human miseries. Non-attachment, on the other hand, is not about self-denial: it is the wisdom of knowing the impermanence of things, and therefore the non-attachment. Ignorance, on the other hand, is the absence of clarity of mind, or lack of self-awakening to the truth of non-attachment. 

According to Socrates, the great Greek philosopher, human happiness could be attained only by limiting the needs of man. In other words, the art of living well requires you to find out what you need, and not what you want. For more information, visit the author's website: 
Wisdom in Living.

According to the above, one of the criteria for spiritual living is non-attachment to material things. Non-attachment enables the focus on others, instead of on self. Without non-attachment, there is no spiritual growth, and incomplete spiritual living. Secrets to Eliminate Clutter: 

Learn the secrets to reclaim your living space and find peace of mind through de-cluttering the material things in your life. Simplify your life. Free yourself from material and mundane clutters, which are obstacles to spiritual living.


Discover what you have been longing to hear about your tru e personality all along. 

Find the true right life path based on your personality.

Pursue your life goals and dreams and find your true life calling.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

Monday, September 4, 2017

Why Biblical Wisdom?

Why Biblical wisdom?

The Bible is made up of the Old Testament and the New Testament.

The Old Testament comprises thirty-nine books: the Pentateuch, written by Moses, about how the Israelites came to be the chosen people of God; the historical books, written by numerous authors, about the history of Israel, from its rise in Canaan to its downfall in Babylon; the poetical books about wisdom and worship for the Israelites; and the books of ancient prophets, admonishing and warning the Israelites of destruction through their sinful nature and disobedience to God.

These religious writings of ancient Israel focused on the chronicle history of Israel, the questions of good and evil in the world, the subtle relationships between God and man through worship and regulations, and the Covenant of God with man. In short, the Old Testament is the revelation of God’s wisdom to man.

The New Testament is a collection of writings by eight different writers (the Apostles: Matthew, John, Paul, James, Peter, Jude; the Disciples: Mark, Luke), addressing different early Christian churches. This collection of twenty-seven books, comprising the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Revelation of John, appeared one after another in the second half of the first century.

The New Testament is explicit about the revelation of God’s wisdom to man through the birth of Jesus, the Son of God, and the Messiah of Israel. God’s wisdom is expressed through Jesus’ teachings, culminating in the Crucifixion, which symbolizes the conquest of human death due to sin, as well as the fulfillment of the Covenant of God with man.

Biblical Wisdom

Biblical wisdom is not just for the Israelites; it is for all believers and non-believers alike because it is the only way to salvation, which is the ultimate conquest of human mortality.

Human existence is all about life and death. Living for life is making the most out of life and avoiding any disorder in life that may bring about premature death. To meet this tall order, human wisdom is inadequate. Biblical wisdom shows humans how to live life to the best and the fullest, as well as how to conquer death, which comes as the end.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau